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Showing 12 to 24 of 27 results

Concepts of Relational Database Management System

Book Price : ₹ 180.00

J2L Price : ₹162.00

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Introduction to Internet & HTML

Book Price : ₹ 155.00

J2L Price : ₹139.50

*(10% Discount)

Communication Skills

Book Price : ₹ 150.00

J2L Price : ₹135.00

*(10% Discount)

Statistical Methods

Book Price : ₹ 170.00

J2L Price : ₹153.00

*(10% Discount)

Concept of software Engineering

Book Price : ₹ 170.00

J2L Price : ₹153.00

*(10% Discount)

Python with SQLite

Book Price : ₹ 180.00

J2L Price : ₹162.00

*(10% Discount)

Concepts of object Oriented Programming With Data Structure

Book Price : ₹ 210.00

J2L Price : ₹189.00

*(10% Discount)

Concepts of Web Technology

Book Price : ₹ 175.00

J2L Price : ₹157.50

*(10% Discount)

An Insight in developing PHP Web Applications with PYTHON integration

Book Price : ₹ 290.00

J2L Price : ₹261.00

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UNIX & Shell Programming

Book Price : ₹ 225.00

J2L Price : ₹202.50

*(10% Discount)

Developing Web Application With ASP.NET

Book Price : ₹ 210.00

J2L Price : ₹189.00

*(10% Discount)

Core Java Programming

Book Price : ₹ 290.00

J2L Price : ₹261.00

*(10% Discount)